Thursday, February 4, 2010

allow me to PLUG SHAMELESSLY! (GCH, Trav, FSC, & EEFS)

I must shamelessly plug two blogs that I follow almost religiously. I mean lets be real here I am by far the biggest gym class heroes fan ever and an even bigger one of Travis Mccoy. Have been a fan of GCH since the beginning before Cupid's Chokehold hit mainstream gaining millions of fans. Anyway enough about me and onto my oh so shameless plugs i think you all should definitely follow these blogs

Travis Mccoy's blog:

and if you have no idea who Gym Class Heroes is and Travis Mccoy for that matter. Up you game lmao welp here is a video for you to enjoy

Travis Mccoy:

and while I'm in a plugging mood follow Todd aka Trace and definitely download tracks from the group he's in FSC lol:

lol oh yeah and last but definitely not LEAST dont forget my to follow my EEFS